Where can I get the best rates for lost and found ads in Financial Express?


releaseMyAd.com is the authorized online booking agency of Financial Express, here you will get the best possible rates on classified ads of Financial Express.
 Rate of lost and found ads in Financial Express depends upon the type of ad. Classifieds text are charged as per line basis and Classifieds display are charged based on square centimetre. Rates of classified display ads are higher compared to classified text ads. The rate also depends upon your choice of locations.

To start booking your ad, click on https://financialexpress.releasemyad.com/rates/lost-and-found (select ad type, select location, compose your ad, select release date and make the payment)

Note: For publishing your Lost & Found ad you need to submit a scan copy of your FIR/ GD which is not more than six months old.

For more information, call us at 9830629298, email us at book@releasemyad.com or chat with our experts.

Related to: Financial Express, Lost and Found, How to Book Post date: 18/04/2020 - 10:45AM